Friday, September 26, 2008

Once a quarter

Every three months.

Is that reasonable? To post every three months may be all I'm capable of doing. I want to do more, but I can't manage everything on my schedule well enough to promise more--or necessarily even that much!

The Kingdom is an exciting place to be, no matter where you live. But if you live in Northern New York, you may be aware that a handful of pastors and disciples have committed together to live in such a fashion as to threaten the enemy's powerful hold on people, institutions, even churches here.
  • We will pray consistently, individually and together, that God will bind the enemy from specific people, places and powers; that He will break down strongholds of the enemy's power and influence; and that He will send laborers into fields ready for harvest, to claim for Christ souls that might otherwise be lost forever.
  • We are asking God for, and looking for committed workers and equipped, dedicated soldiers to go into places to claim, secure and hold positions of strategic importance to the King. It is time to quit our prior positions of "maintaining" dying churches. It is time to assume a new posture of aggressive, calculated evangelism and spiritual warfare designed to lay groundwork for a new birth of the church in our time.
  • Having already reached the limits of our feeble human abilities, we will advance on our knees. We will pray our way to success, by the power of the blood of Jesus' sacrifice.

Father, I beg you, please, give us our communities for Christ. Swell the numbers of believers and disciples in our churches. Bind the enemy away from us. Give us a season of peace among our members, a spirit of joy in the work of our hands, and a genuine, disciplined commitment to Christ among all our members. Make us like Him in every respect, such that we bless our world without hesitation or reservation. Take away our fear, our selfishness, and our doubts. Give us Your Spirit so that we are confident, capable and redemptive to our very core. Let it be so, by the power of the blood of Your Son's sacrifice, by the power of the name of Jesus. Amen.