Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Walking the Garden Path

Following Christ can be very exciting. Following Christ can be a little scary. There simply is no way that I can, in good conscience, tell you that it will always be easy to be a faithful disciple of Jesus.

Ask Peter about his experiences. Ask him if he was scared the night Jesus was arrested. Ask him if he worried what the religious leaders thought about his violation of Jewish traditions and laws. Ask him if it hurt when he was stoned, beaten, and ultimately crucified. Ask him if it was worth it.

I believe our choices are simpler today, and our risks are not as great, in this country. However, the teachings of Christ still require that we give ourselves away in the fashion He did at every moment leading up to and including Calvary. How we manage this life's resources and assets entrusted to us, how we relate to others, what we do with our time, etc., all are areas of discipleship that demonstrate the Lordship of Christ.

Religion often over simplifies the Christian life to a series of rules, dogmas, and rituals, all of which are designed to focus our attention on Christ. But it's easy to make the religious exercize the focus, losing the focus on Christ altogether. It's really important to remember that our actions are supposed to grow out of the relationship with God. And similarly, our actions should draw us closer to Him. But it all starts with the relationship. And the relationship is like any other--communication is key.

The easiest part about following Christ is the time we spend just being with Him, talking to Him, listening, just being. And if we stay there, we might think it will always be easy to know what to do, and to do it. But remember, the disciples were with Jesus the night He was arrested. Even though they were walking right alongside Him, they were scared, confused, and at least one of them struck out violently with a sword. The sweetest thing is that--even in that stressful moment--Jesus just fixed it, miraculously healing Malcus' ear. I don't really like being scared and confused, but I'd love to have been there.

As we walk together with Christ and the family of disciples here, there will be moments of fear and confusion. It's inevitable, because we have an enemy who will confront us. We will likely screw up, individually and collectively, and Jesus will have to fix it. I don't really like being scared and confused, but I really have to be there. And I want to be there with you.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Family at Work & Play

Saturday was a huge day for Calcium Community Church. I love the sound of family when they work together, play together, and just spend time doing stuff.

Saturday, we were family. We worked together, painting much of the walls and ceilings in the new building. We played together, painting and laughing and eating and just having a good time being together.

Our family gets pretty loud. We can be a little chaotic. We can tolerate a lot more of the noise and chaos than I thought! As a result, we can accomplish more than I thought.

I think we may be ready to try some really ambitious things.

Think about it. Pray about it. Get ready.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Joy of People

One of the greatest joys I experience routinely is the joy of people that God sends to me. What once seemed a wonderful serendipity has become a fairly regular treat. I am blest to look up from work from time to time--computer dazed, snow shovel weary, study eye bleary--only to find that God has sent me a visitor! I LOVE IT! People come looking for information about the church, wanting to talk faith or religion, maybe needing directions or a word of encouragement or just wanting to share a piece of their history with the church and community.

Regardless of need or motive, it's always a blessing to meet new folks and share a moment of conversation and communion. The Spirit in the believer thrills to the rhythm of the Spirit resonating in another, and our day is brightened.

To each of you, I say a hearty "thank you" for sharing life in the moment. May our Lord bless you for being a warm, friendly, stereotypical (?) New Yorker!

Friday, February 1, 2008


So, I still have the sinus thing, but I think that's just part of the permanent condition of this fallen man. Generally, I feel better. My headache is all but gone. I'm dizzy, but not falling over or nauseated to the extent I was for the last couple of weeks. I still don't know what it was, but I really am not that interested in knowing, anyway.

What counts is what gets me well! I know that God built healing into the system, and for that I am truly thankful. I know that old friends and old memories are like balm for the soul, and I am blessed to have some of the very best. I am also blessed to have some of the very worst memories anyone can imagine, which brings me to rehearse the amazing grace of God and His people. Coupled with the prayers of the saints, I can hardly stay sick forever! All of this results in a spirit rekindled, and a body delivered from the grip of illness.

I am, like every believer and disciple of Christ, reborn and renewed, being constantly re-made in the image of Christ. The Spirit within us grows stronger and we look, act and live more like Him all the time! We are delivered and become deliverers like Him. There is healing in the voice and touch of Christ's followers. You heal me, and each other. And I am thankful.